Friday 18 March 2016

Writing Prompt #1

Lindsey shook her head and plonked herself down on the hard floor, her head tilted back against the wall. "I can't believe you."
Ryan smirked and leaned casually against the opposite wall. "There's no need to get grouchy."
"We're in a prison cell, Ryan."
"I know, I just told you that after you tried to be funny."
"I'm aware, I was there when you said it."
"See, there you go again."
Lindsey looked away from him and turned her attention to the door. It hadn't opened in the ten minutes since they had been put in here and didn't seem to be opening now. This was ridiculous. She had classes tomorrow and her parents would be worried sick.
Oh God. Her parents. Her dad would kill her. And her sister would never let her live it down.
"It was funny, though," Ryan spoke up a few minutes later.
"Nothing about this situation is funny."
"Well, not this situation, no. But the actual event was funny - especially the chase."
Lindsey looked down to hide the smile that was tugging at her lips. She refused to let him see that she agreed with him. She was mad at him for getting them thrown in here. She wasn't about to let him see her cave. "We could have gotten away if you hadn't fell."
"I only fell because you went down first and pulled me with you!" Lindsey retaliated. "You are not putting the blame on me!"
"I wasn't about to get caught on my own. You'll be going down with me every single time."
"If you were a gentleman you would have let me get away."
"Yeah, right, and miss out on this conversation?"
Lindsey had to smile then. She was annoyed about getting arrested. She wasn't annoyed about being arrested with Ryan. Even if it was his fault.
"You know the only thing I could think of when I was getting handcuffed?"
"'I'm going to miss tonight's episode of Corrie'?"
"Nope," Ryan shook his head. "It was 'God, she looks hot when she's getting arrested'."
"Ah, is that when you started yelling at the officer to get his hands off me?"
"About then, yes."
"Next time, I'll let you do it."
Ryan quickly recovered from his shock, but before he could say anything the door opened.
"Lindsey Yates?"
"Yes?" Ryan asked.
Lindsey laughed from where she sat on the floor.
"You're mother is here to collect you," the officer said to Lindsey.
Lindsey picked herself up and smiled to Ryan. "See you later."
He gave her a big grin and a little wave. The last glimpse she saw of him as the door closed was as he lowered himself to sit on the floor, both legs stretched out in front of him.

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