Friday 10 June 2016

Robin Prompt #1

The so-called 'God' smirked. Despite the creature having Piper's lovely face, there was nothing beautiful about the smile. She twisted Piper's face into something gruesome - something of nightmares. She clearly didn't appreciate the way Robin spoke to her... him? It? She didn't even know what it was. It certainly wasn't a God.

"Your attitude towards me will change when my brothers and sisters arrive. Soon, you will be begging to stand by our side."

"I seriously doubt that." Robin had to get out of there. She could feel the blood pouring from the stab wound in her side and if she didn't get to Richard soon she was going to pass out. Her vision was already starting to go a little funny and her words seemed to be coming slower than she meant them to. But she didn't want to leave Piper. "That body surely won't be able to hold you long?"

"No, it won't. I can feel it weakening already." The creature stretched and wiggled as if it was trying to get comfortable. Like when you get new jeans and have to fiddle about to get them in a good position. Robin didn't like that the creature was trying to fit into Piper's skin at all. She had to somehow convince her to find a different body.

"Why don't you use another? Find one more suitable?"

"Yes, I will soon. I don't really want to be in this one when it- wait... why?"


"Why do you care about who's body I use? Do you care for this girl? You do, don't you? That's why you want me out of it. Maybe I should stay and wait until she can no longer hold me." Piper's face smiled at her again. "I can see you are weakening too. I could take out both of you so easily."

"What would be the fun in that?" Robin laughed but stopped with a wince when it hurt her side. She couldn't stand any longer. She dropped to the ground with a soft thump and was worried she would pass out when all she could see was black. But slowly colours and blurred things came back to her, and when she could see she realised that the creature was looking at her with what seemed to be curiosity.

"Why don't you leave?"

"I want my... my friend back," Robin slurred. Her thoughts were getting slower. She was struggling to make sense of what was going on.

"I like you. You're not giving up on your friend - that shows loyalty. I'll make a deal with you: your life for hers. I'll just jump across into your body and let your friend go free. She'll be safe and I'll heal you and you'll be all better."

"My friends would kill you."

"Not if I was you."

"That won't stop them. They're not stupid. They'd do the right thing." Robin wasn't sure if what she was saying was true, but she wasn't about to make a deal without negotiating. Even if she was bleeding out and probably dying, she wasn't about to go down without a fight. Besides, Piper would kill her if Robin accepted those terms.

"Then tell me, what are you willing to give to save your friend?" Robin watched as Piper's blurry figure began pacing in front of her. She hated having to kneel in front of it, but she couldn't even think about standing back up.

"Your life. If you leave her now, I'll make sure you aren't killed when my friends and I come to find you. I'll make sure they send you back to your own world. Even better, you can go back yourself and we won't come looking for you."

The creature laughed. Robin wanted to cover her ears but couldn't lift her hands. It wasn't Piper's laugh. It was high pitched and more resembled a cackle than a laugh. It was forced, though. Something was wrong. "You think you... you think you scare me?" She struggled to say the words and finished with a coughing fit. It seemed as if she was trying to bring up a lung and Robin winced for Piper. She really hoped she wasn't feeling any of this.

"I think that this body is starting to shut down because of you and that you're going to have to leave soon anyway. My friend isn't anything special. She's not like us. Just let her go and you can go." The creature looked at her, considered her words. "Do we have a deal? You leave her alive, and you can go home."

"No," the creature snarled. It bent down in front of Robin and held her face in it's hands. They were as cold as ice and Robin flinched away from them. "We do not have a deal. I'm leaving this body, but I will find a way to bring my brothers and sisters into this world. Your threats mean nothing, because together it will be child's play for us to take over your pathetic little world." It turned away and coughed a little bit more. Robin sank a little bit lower to the floor while it's attention was elsewhere. She was going to collapse soon. "Be warned, girl: your threats and your friends don't scare me."

Then the creature tilted its head up and from its mouth danced wisps of smoke like from a candle that has just been blown out. It was blue and seemed to shine when the light caught it, as if it wasn't really smoke at all but a solid thing. It drifted away into the air and out of sight and Robin wondered where the creature would find a body suitable to hold it. She was didn't know if she had done the right thing, but it was too late now. The 'God' was gone.

Piper fell on her ass and, after a moment of pulling herself together, looked to Robin. "Not anything special, huh?"

"Oh shut up. You know I love... love..." She couldn't finish the sentence. Her body finally gave out, and the last thing she remembered was Piper catching her as fell to the side.